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Dustin Wood, Photographer, graphic designer, and filmmaker looking off camera


WRKBKS was born from the idea that many projects are born from: If you can’t find the perfect book, make it. The idea of carrying around a blank notebook is great in theory, but sometimes it’s too much. Sometimes it’s so open-ended that it’s intimidating to decide how you want to use them. That’s where WRKBKS comes in. WRKBKS is not for the seasoned pro who has their own system they’ve been using for years. WRKBKS is for those of us who need a little guidance. Those chicken-scratch note-takers who can’t stay consistent with their organization.

Each one of my Wrkbks is thoughtfully designed for ease of use and efficiency. I provide a helping hand in keeping your notes organized and may even suggest ideas of things to track or include.

I’m a designer who has a passion for the subjects of the notebooks I create. I’m an avid photographer and filmmaker with 20 years of experience in the graphic design world. In my first business, I created necklaces from transportation tokens, catching the attention of Real Simple magazine’s holiday gift guide and CBS’s Early Show. Now, I’m bringing you WRKBKS that can help you keep track of your thoughts in golf and photography, with more to come. Printed using local printing presses, WRKBKS is homegrown and personally packaged with care. 

Thank you for letting me help you stay more organized!



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